Annual fee
The annual fee for 2025 for full membership (SEEF+IAEE) is 1 000 SEK. It is also possible to sign an exclusively national memberhip (SEEF) that does not entail any IAEE membership. The SEEF-only annual membership fee for 2025 amounts to 800 SEK, which entitles the member to participate at the SEEF membership meetings. Fees apply per calender year and are paid via plusgiro 61 94 95-5. State your e-mail address as a notification with your payment. The membership register is handled by Thomas Tangerås ( Any address changes should be notfied to him directly.
Membership meetings
Meetings usually take place between 18:00 and 19:30. The regular venue is the Stockholm School of Economics (Handelshögskolan) at Sveavägen 65. Normally there is a free buffet dinner after the meeting courtesy of the sponsors of SEEF. Presently these are Energimyndigheten, Fortum, Handelsbanken, Svenska Kraftnät, SEB, SWECO and Vattenfall. Handelshögskolan provides the facilities both for the membership meetings and the council meetings. The meetings are exclusively for the members of the organization. Deadline for registration is one week prior to the meeting.
Membership of IAEE
Full membership (SEEEF+IAEE) automatically contains a membership also of the international organization. IAEE membership includes subscriptions to The Energy Journal and Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy. The former outlet primarily publishes technical research articles, whereas the latter is a policy journal that addresses a wider audience. In addition, the international organization publishes IAEE Energy Forum at This electronic journal contains brief non-technical articles on contemporary energy issues. IAEE also organizes webinars on a regular basis on particularly relevant topics in energy economics.
IAEE activities
The IAEE website also contains information about the association’s upcoming conferences and other member services. The IAEE International Conference is organized every year along with a host of regional conferences (North American Conference, European Conference, Asian Conference and Latin American Conference). The next International Conference will take place in i Paris June 2025, which also serves as this year’s European Conference. Conferences are open to all, but any full member of SEEF+IAEE receives a discount on the participation fee. Registration is electronic via the websites of the respective conferences.
Membership buffet dinners
Finally, a practical detail. Membership meetings and the subsequet dinners are included in the membership. However, non-attendance at a meeting for which one has registered is subject to a no-show fee (normallly 250 SEK). To be certain to avoid this fee, one has to notify SEEF at least two days in advance of the meeting (unless one has a very good reason not to). The purpose is to avoid excessive catering expenses.